About Man in Green

For over a decade, Man in Green has been helping businesses save money on essential phone systems and merchant credit card processing. Our commitment to outstanding customer service has earned us a reputation as one of the most reliable you can find, with customer testimonials and reviews to prove it. We’re proud to serve businesses in North Carolina and beyond, and we’re always looking for new ways to help our customers save money and improve their operations.

Meet The Original Man in Green: Dick O’Donnell

Image of the Man in Green himself, Dick O'Donnell

Founder Dick O’Donnell, The Man in Green, has been in service to his customers throughout his working career. No matter the industry, Dick’s primary goal has been finding the best outcome for his customers and clients, even if it meant losing a sale. He’s quick to say, “I sell them what’s best for them, not what’s gonna make me a higher commission. Yes. I need to make a living, but not at someone else’s expense, because I’m in it for the long run.”

In addition to serving his customers, he serves the community through a number of business organizations like Alamance Leads and Chapel Hill leads, and non-profit organizations, including as Club President for the Rotary Club of Alamance and Rotary Assistant Governor for Rotary District 7690.

Dick is a believer in KLT: Know, Like, and Trust. He knows that people prefer to do business with people that they know, like, and trust, so he spends most of his time building relationships and earning the trust of his clients. That is a big part of how Man in Green has maintained a 98% customer retention rate. Delivering great products with outstanding customer service clients stay with Man in Green.

Dick says, “Why is local customer service so important? It’s back to KLT know, like, and trust, okay. How many people out there, actually love calling an 800 number? You know, they hate it! They get passed around. They’re dealing with somebody that they’ve never talked to before, and they’re never going to talk to the same person twice. That’s why with Man in Green, you don’t have to call a “1-800” number.

You can download Dick’s bio to learn more about him, but the best way to get to know, like and trust Dick is to meet and talk with him. Contact Man in Green at (919) 760-5476 to discuss how your business get better service and begin saving money.

Join our Satisfied Customers

Over the years we have had many satisfied customers. Here are just a few of the kind words they have shared about Man in Green.